Key Happiness Habits quotes for Hard Times:
When You Feel Emotional Pain, Wrap It In Love - Don't deny or dismiss the deep pain that comes from death, destruction, major life losses and disappointments. When you feel emotional pain, wrap it in love. Give yourself big, warm, comforting hugs. When you feel pain, wrap it in love.
Choose Your Mood And Attitude – See yourself smiling, happy and confident in your mind's eye. Consciously connect with those warm, powerful, positive feelings and continually project them, they will become genuinely yours.
Revolt and Rebel – Against situations and forces that try to drag you down, depress your spirits or that threaten to hurt, humiliate or harass you. Don't give them control of your thoughts, actions or feelings. Decide how you want to think, feel and act, choose your mood and attitude. Chart your own course.
Turn Negative Judgments Into Positive Action Items – Negative judgments power all fear, worry, anxiety and distress. Ask, “Can this negative judgment help me in some way? Can I change it?” If Yes, turn negative judgments into positive action items. If not, discard them and focus time, energy and attention where it can build happiness and success. Don't let negative judgments make you miserable for no reason.
Avoid The Fault Finding Feel Goods - Avoid all those terribly tempting tendencies to judge, criticize, complain and blame. Don't elevate yourself by focusing on what's wrong. Criticism is very counterproductive, it leaves people deflated and confused about what to do. Focus on positive objectives, radiating good cheer, spiritual success and achieving positive long term goals.
Focus On What You Want To Achieve – Clear goals help define the steps to attain them. Describing what you don't want, what's bad or what's wrong does not identify or communicate strategies that are good, right or successful. Vivid visions of happiness and success help you to attain them.
Decide What You're Going To Do, Find Ways To Enjoy It - Fuel Your Life And Your Work With Fun - Enthusiasm, energy and determination to complete tasks well are just as important to success as developing good plans. Creatively reinvent difficult, dreary or distasteful jobs to make them fun, rewarding, enjoyable. Turn tasks into games, involve others, tie work to meaningful goals, chart progress and celebrate success.
Action, Activity And Achievement Are Healing – Plan a series of small, clear, specific action steps and consciously celebrate successful completion of each step. Make lists, checking off completed tasks is very satisfying and encouraging. Happiness is healing.
Misery Is Meant to Make Us Move – Misery signals that something is changing or that something needs to change. We need to change to end the misery. We may need to change what we are doing, change how we think, change how we feel or change all three.
Turn Distress and Despair Into A Focused, Determined Drive To Succeed – Redirect distress and despair into a determined drive to triumph over difficulties. Don't let difficulties get you down, define who you are or determine your direction. Focus on positive long term goals and what you really want to achieve in the future.
Use Anger To Your Advantage – Channel anger toward positive, constructive purposes. Use anger to help you to succeed, rebound, overcome difficulties and be happy.
Explore, Discover, Enjoy New Experiences – Changed circumstances often offer new opportunities and benefits. Explore, discover and enjoy them. Acquire new skills, strengthen existing capabilities, expand your definitions of happiness and success in new or changed environments. Whatever we cling to controls us, letting go can be liberating.
Letting Go Does NOT Mean Giving Up, It Means Achieving Goals In Different Ways - Find new ways to enjoy happiness and success in new or changed environments. Pursue long terms goals in new or different ways.
Be YOUR Best Self, Live By The Highest And Best Values - When you've done your best your conscience is clear. You can let go of results knowing that you could have done no more. Continually trying to do YOUR best is energizing, elevating and your best keeps getting better.
Love Expansively and Extensively - The happiest people are the most loving people. To be happy, love what you do, love the people around you, love your work and love yourself.
Happiness can be very hard to find during tough times. It's important to persevere and make happiness appear even under the most difficult circumstances. We perform our best, feel our best and achieve our best when we are Up, confident, energized and happy.
Happiness is Healing.
Happiness fuels confidence, creativity and caring. Happiness is a key to belief in future success. We must believe we can be successful in order to put forth our best efforts to succeed.
Happiness Habit interviewed and studied habitually happy people from all walks of life and life situations. We discovered key skills and strategies happy people use to bring happiness and spiritual success to their lives during difficult times. We call these qualities Happiness Habits.
If You Decide To Adopt The Values, Beliefs, Ideals, Habits And Boundaries Characteristic Of Happy People, You Too Can Be Happy Or Happier Despite What Is Happening To You And Around You.
Do you want to add greater happiness to your life? Bring a Happiness In Hard Times™ program to your organization - Contact Happiness Habit for details.
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TulipPhoto byMatteo Spreafico from
Great ideas about how to survive tough times.
Posted by: Nyomi | April 04, 2009 at 03:55 AM