Worry, fear and anxiety usually accompany crises, major life losses and cataclysmic changes. Expect worry, fear and anxiety at these times. How can you deal with them effectively? Remember...
There is usually a big difference between worrying about problems and actually solving or resolving problems.
Worrying does NOT solve problems!
Creative Problem Solving, Action and Activity Solve Problems.
As soon as we begin seeing successful, realistic solutions and ways we can conquer problems, we usually feel much better. We feel much better once we begin working to resolve problems.
Work Is An Antidote For Worry.
Action, Activity and Achievement Are Antidotes for Worry.
If you need more convincing, remember...
Worrying does not necessarily guarantee successful solutions. Worrying wastes time, energy and emotional well-being. Worry destroys joy.
So long as we stay stuck in problems and continue to focus on what's wrong, we feel miserable. When we see attractive solutions we feel much better.
Our minds must make a cognitive switch from worrying to problem solving before we begin to see successful solutions and feel better about our future.
Key Happiness Habits that are especially important during difficult times:
Move from problems to solutions quickly.
Don't dwell in problems, seek successful solutions speedily.
Negative Judgments Are The Power Behind All Fear, Worry and Anxiety. Ask, "Can the negative judgment help me in some way?"
If Yes, turn it into a series of positive action items. If No, Let It Go! The negative judgment is making you miserable for no reason.
Here's an example...
Saying, "I'm late!" is a negative judgment that causes anxiety and worry when we're concerned that we're not going to be on time. Can it help us? Yes, but only if we turn it into a series of positive action items like...
"It's 7:35, I need to be out the door by 8:00 so I better stop what I'm doing, assemble my work, clean up briefly, watch the clock carefully and be ready to leave by 7:55!
That's how we turn anxiety producing Negative Judgments into Positive Action Items that Speed Happiness and Success in Difficult Times.
Copyright 1999-2008, Michele Moore. All Rights Reserved. This material may NOT be published, broadcast, redistributed or rewritten without permission from the authors. Explore HappinessHabit.com for more happiness insights!
Thank you! This is a great, great list of suggestions that I plan to hang on to. It is so important to keep a balanced life and not get into a habit in which we sometimes bury ourselves.If we do you said,I think it is good for us,thanks again.
Posted by: Retro Jordan | October 19, 2010 at 08:14 PM